Find Your Way with Carly Fiorina

In this special episode, John Maxwell sits down with his good friend Carly Fiorina (former CEO of Hewlett Packard and 2016 U.S. presidential candidate). John and Carly discuss the role that courage plays in leadership and the most common reasons people fail to reach their full potential. 

 Carly’s new book Find Your Way was released April 9, 2019. In the book, Carly points out, “Human potential is the only limitless resource in the world.” If you want to learn how to reach your full potential, Carly’s conversation with John and her new book will inspire and empower you to take this journey.  

 You can order Find Your Way by Carly Fiorina here. 

 Our BONUS resource for this series is the Find Your Way Worksheet, which includes fill-in-the-blank notes from John and Carly’s conversation. You can download the worksheet by clicking “Download the Bonus Resource” below. 

4 thoughts on “Find Your Way with Carly Fiorina”

  1. Finished going through Leadershift on audio for the third time and recommending it to others as “His best book yet!” Must read Carly’s next. So enjoyed this recording – thx for putting it out here. I’ll pass this on too!

  2. I listened to the podcast at least a half of dozen times and I continue to have new takeaways. This is one of the best podcast on leadership I have heard from John, Mark and Carly’s . I bought Carly’s Find Your Way and John`s Leader Shift book along with the DVD curriculum. I absolutely love both books and the teaching resources.

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