Tests of Timing Series

Click here to listen or read the transcript.

Click here to listen or read the transcript.

Knowing when to lead is just as important as knowing what to do and where to go. That’s why we’re beginning a new series on the Tests of Timing. John Maxwell explains that, when it comes to making good timing decisions, environment is everything. So, throughout this two-part series, he walks us through a step-by-step guide complete with key questions at every step to help you test whether the environment is right for the decision you need to make.

Throughout this series, Mark Cole and Jason Brooks discuss how they’ve implemented these tests in the John Maxwell Enterprise and how the courage to make big decisions comes from giving yourself permission to fail.

Our BONUS resource for this series is the Tests of Timing Worksheet, which includes fill-in-the-blank notes from John’s teaching. You can download the worksheet by visiting MaxwellPodcast.com/Timing and clicking “Download the Bonus Resource.”

3 thoughts on “Tests of Timing Series”

  1. Hey
    I had a problem. I couldn’t find episode 19. would you send me the link if it’s ok?
    With all respect

    1. Hi Sina, you can find episode 119 by clicking this link. Episode 119 features the Best of John Maxwell from our live event Live2Lead. Please let us know if you need any more assistance.

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