Bonus Episode: Adding Value to Others

Hi Podcast Family! Today we have a special message for you from John Maxwell. Last Monday, John shared a timely message about leadership in light of the civil unrest and racial injustice we’re seeing in America right now. We wanted to share this message as a reminder that what you focus on expands. With so much going on around us, figuring out where to focus can be hard. But John encourages us to focus on being a leader who adds value to others and who listens before you blame others. We believe you’ll be impacted by this message and we encourage you to use it to impact your community and your world.

We hope you take this message to heart and do exactly what John encourages us to do in this lesson… reflect. As John said in a recent Candid Conversation, hope causes you to act, and action brings traction. In a world that seems to be standing still, we could use a little traction! So, we encourage you to reflect on the ways you can act and add value to those you lead. Together, let’s create a world where everyone is valued and treated as an equal. The time is now. So, let’s lead.

For more episodes of The John Maxwell Leadership Podcast, visit the Episodes Page. Don’t forget to subscribe so that you can receive updates on new episodes and direct links to the free bonus resources we offer for every regularly scheduled episode.

5 thoughts on “Bonus Episode: Adding Value to Others”

  1. Wow! I am so thankful for this podcast. I to have been part of it since 2018. it keeps getting better and better. It has made such a big impact in every area of my life.

  2. John, you are amazing. You have really helped me. I was on a low when Anita M Pandoff, out of the blue, invited me to a session. I just loved it. I loved your words and your point of view on all the issues you speak about. Anita was amazing in our discussion groups. It got to where I craved her meetings. They were that valuable to me.
    I am blessed Anita reached out to me. Her timing is all on God!

  3. John,
    You are a much needed light in these dark times. You spread a message of hope and value to everyone you reach. I’m very excited to learn more from you and your team. I look forward every week for more positive news and I can’t wait to join your team later this year.

    1. Hi Mike,

      I’m afraid we don’t offer show notes for our Candid Conversations or Bonus Episodes. But we do offer fill-in-the-blank notes for our regularly scheduled episodes which release every Wednesday. To download the notes for those episodes, just visit the show’s page and click “Download the Bonus Resource.” Hope this helps! Let us know if we can answer any other questions.

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