Candid Conversations: What Are You Reading?

In the last Candid Conversation, John C. Maxwell shared a sneak peek of the book he’s currently writing. In this episode, he shares powerful insights from the book he’s most recently finished reading: Atomic Habits by James Clear. John shares a few of his key takeaways from this book and how they have challenged him in his leadership.

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Atomic Habits by James Clear

The Leader’s Greatest Return by John C. Maxwell

Today Matters by John C. Maxwell

The John Maxwell Online Store

3 thoughts on “Candid Conversations: What Are You Reading?”

  1. Your method of applying learning is the basis for the homeschool method we use. It’s based on the writings of Charlotte Mason and the child reads from quality books (living books) and then makes a written or oral narration to tell what they learned. They also make use of a Commonplace book to write specific quotes in. You would make an excellent Charlotte Mason student!

  2. I love John Maxwell. I loved what John said about filing . Could he teaches us how to do it ? The opens the note app in iPhone then he makes a legend , how does he find the information he wants ? I would really appreciate if he talked more about his system.

    Thanks ,

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